In other news, if you haven't entered the Shadow Town and Amazon gift card giveaway, hop to it!
Friday, February 28, 2014
Clean Out Your E-reader Challenge! I'm throwing down the gauntlet (a wussy gauntlet, okay)!
The Clean Out Your E-reader Challenge is here! We all have books sitting in our Kindle, moping that they are never chosen. Well, a lot of them are going to have to keep moping, but a lucky few are getting good and read. Some bloggers are hitting this challenge hard. Craziness! I'm pussyfooting around with 2-5 books. Can you match 2-5 books in one month? (I'm laughing like a cartoon cat right now because you bloggers are crazy girls! Of course you can match...blow past...soar...I got a little carried away). Here's my working list.
Think Out Loud [44] Reminiscing
I wanted to take you into my world of art for a minute because it's been on my mind with the release of Shadow Town. Maggie is a painter. As she lost herself in art, I fell back to a time when my brushes and constant stream of images made up my entire world. I had this idea to see every stroke of a painting from start to finish. So I painted oil on velum, paper that looks almost like wax paper but heavier. In each class, I created a new painting of the model. I pieced it all together and fixed it to a giant piece of plexiglass. For my senior show I had three walk around paintings. There's something beautiful about the unkempt tangle of mistakes and cover ups. I think people are more like the mess that make up a painting than the pretty picture we see on the surface. I like mess.
(never mind the dates, all our pictures are dated 11/7/87)
Think Out Loud is an awesome post whatever you want meme. Youtube videos, dusty art photos from the past, quotes, rants. I'll stop now, but you get the idea. Join in, we'll pay attention.
If you haven't entered the Shadow Town and Amazon gift card giveaway, get on it!
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Shadow Town Blog Tour and Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!!
Shadow Town Blog Tour time!!! All week we have awesome bloggers introducing you to Maggie Lane. I'm crazy about the girl. Don't forget to enter the Rafflecopter!
The Awesome Lineup!
Feb 24
Tobi at Forget the Housework, I'm Reading shares her review.
Texxie at PRUF Reads shares an excerpt.
Becky at Twisted Book Junkie shares an excerpt.
Feb 25
Jaclyn at JC's Book Haven shares her review and an excerpt.
Athina at Between My Lines features Shadow Town.
bonus...Bookworm Brandee features a Shadow Town Teaser Tuesday.
Feb 26
Jennifer at Donnie Darko Girl features a Top Ten List!
Feb 27
Laura at Laura Plus Books features Shadow Town.
Margay at Margay Leah Justice features a Top Ten List!
E.J. at The Open Vein brings you an author interview (you know, with me).
Feb 28
Brandee at Bookworm Brandee shares her review!
Cindy at Cindy's Love of Books features Shadow Town and shares her review.
Bonus post!! March 3
Jodie at Aussie Bookworm shares her review!
By day, nineteen-year-old Maggie Lane is property manager of Pearl Estates, a posh housing community owned by her father and occupied by Shadows. By night, she's a waitress at a local dive. When a girl at her night job disappears, she dives into Scooby mode. She might be able to handle a missing waitress on her own, but when a new Shadow moves in next door and turns her into a blushing, flirting, love-crazed girl, her need for answers unearths nightmares from her past and monsters of the here and now. It's possible her bad attitude might not be enough to carry her through.
You can find Shadow Town on Amazon and Smashwords. Get it now for 99 cents!!
a Rafflecopter giveawayYou can find Shadow Town on Amazon and Smashwords. Get it now for 99 cents!!
The Awesome Lineup!
Feb 24
Tobi at Forget the Housework, I'm Reading shares her review.
Texxie at PRUF Reads shares an excerpt.
Becky at Twisted Book Junkie shares an excerpt.
Feb 25
Jaclyn at JC's Book Haven shares her review and an excerpt.
Athina at Between My Lines features Shadow Town.
bonus...Bookworm Brandee features a Shadow Town Teaser Tuesday.
Feb 26
Jennifer at Donnie Darko Girl features a Top Ten List!
Feb 27
Laura at Laura Plus Books features Shadow Town.
Margay at Margay Leah Justice features a Top Ten List!
E.J. at The Open Vein brings you an author interview (you know, with me).
Feb 28
Brandee at Bookworm Brandee shares her review!
Cindy at Cindy's Love of Books features Shadow Town and shares her review.
Bonus post!! March 3
Jodie at Aussie Bookworm shares her review!
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Sidekick Showcase [44] Save me and I'll save you right back kind of love!
Sidekick Showcase, previously known as Sidekick Saturday, is a weekly bookish meme, hosted here by Jaclyn at JC's Book Haven. There are many secondary characters that are as great as the primaries. In some cases, the sidekicks actually steal the show and you like them better than the heroine or hero. Maybe they didn't have enough page time for how great they were. Anyone can play along! I will post my Sidekicks on Saturday, then whichever day during the week that you would like to post yours, you can put your link in on my page. Just do the following:
• Choose a sidekick *or someone other than the hero or heroine* that you would like to put in the spotlight that fit's in the week's topic
• Share a picture (if you can) and information about the character
• Give the title and author of a book the character can be found in
• Please don't include too many spoilers when describing why the character is such a great sidekick
• The day of your post, put your link in below and grab the code for your post so you can see the others that post theirs throughout the week as well
Let's daydream about book boyfriends (and girlfriends) a bit. There is one character that has been on my mind since I first met him over a year ago when I read Easy by Tammara Webber. Lucas, oh what a hottie, steals your heart the second he's on the scene. The covers have him tatted out with piercings and a brooding look. My version can work with that just fine. Not every guy I crush on has to be ruggedly handsome, a few can be plain pretty. Lucas has a hero complex (and for a very good reason). He's also determined not to let his heart get in the way of dating. Good thing he can't control something like that or we'd only experience a small percentage of his awesomeness. Pretty soon, he won't be a side character because he's getting his own book. Yes!! Breakable comes out May 6th!
Let's daydream about book boyfriends (and girlfriends) a bit. There is one character that has been on my mind since I first met him over a year ago when I read Easy by Tammara Webber. Lucas, oh what a hottie, steals your heart the second he's on the scene. The covers have him tatted out with piercings and a brooding look. My version can work with that just fine. Not every guy I crush on has to be ruggedly handsome, a few can be plain pretty. Lucas has a hero complex (and for a very good reason). He's also determined not to let his heart get in the way of dating. Good thing he can't control something like that or we'd only experience a small percentage of his awesomeness. Pretty soon, he won't be a side character because he's getting his own book. Yes!! Breakable comes out May 6th!
“He stuck the pencil over his ear, looking unconvinced. "Mmm. What position would you be the most comfortable for you?"
I couldn't say aloud the answers that popped into my head at that question, but the flush that spread across my face like wildfire gave me away. He caught his lower lip in his teeth, and I was sure it was to contain a laugh. Most comfortable position? What about with my head stuck under a pillow?”
― Tammara Webber, Easy
“His hands reached for me, gripping my hipbones and pulling me forward. he stared down at me, his voice low. "There are some things I will make time for, Jacqueline.”
― Tammara Webber, Easy
As usual, I asked my sidekicks for their picks. My mom came up with Jenny from Forrest Gump. Now, I stuttered and stared for a minute, then reached past how pissed she made me most of the movie (I didn't read the book), and realized she was an amazing love for Forrest because he was an amazing love. So Jenny who lost her way all except for the one person who loved her no matter what is a great choice.
My sister's pick wasn't a surprise because we recently saw Vampire Academy in the theaters. Dimitri is amazing. In the books his scenes take your breath away. He's just that kind of character. There was a lot of saving back and forth between Rose and Dimitri. Don't you just want to bite him...hug him I mean. Kiss, I mean kiss him.
The Shadow Town blog tour is happening next week. Stop by for links to the awesome bloggers taking part. There's a giveaway. (I said the last part in a singsongy voice just so you know)
― Tammara Webber, Easy
As usual, I asked my sidekicks for their picks. My mom came up with Jenny from Forrest Gump. Now, I stuttered and stared for a minute, then reached past how pissed she made me most of the movie (I didn't read the book), and realized she was an amazing love for Forrest because he was an amazing love. So Jenny who lost her way all except for the one person who loved her no matter what is a great choice.
My sister's pick wasn't a surprise because we recently saw Vampire Academy in the theaters. Dimitri is amazing. In the books his scenes take your breath away. He's just that kind of character. There was a lot of saving back and forth between Rose and Dimitri. Don't you just want to bite him...hug him I mean. Kiss, I mean kiss him.
The Shadow Town blog tour is happening next week. Stop by for links to the awesome bloggers taking part. There's a giveaway. (I said the last part in a singsongy voice just so you know)
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Think Out Loud [43] Fun Quotes and a Horror Movie Trailer
Here are few of my favorite kid quotes and a movie preview!
- "So beautiful, can I help you with anything?" Will to his dental hygienist
- "Mom, make an angry face...That's adorable." John
- "Boys have a penis. What do girls have?" "A vagina." "Vagina is a beautiful word." John
- "Your brother wants to be a rocket rider when he grows up." "I think we will miss him." Will
- "Did you know mom is a ninja?" "You are not a ninja, Mom. But you're cute." John
- "Mom, you said shit." "I know, John." "You said shit, Mom." "Stop saying shit, John." "You stop saying shit."
- "Mom, what rhymes with duck?" John
(These quotes and others are posted on the left and at the bottom of my blog)
I'm currently reading Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz. I hear it's funny, gruesome, awesome, and coming to DVD March 25th!
Think Out Loud is an anything you want to post meme. Give it a try because it's that cool.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Think Out Loud [42] Lose a game of tag and the world goes to hell
I'm going to be talking about The Walking Dead today, but I don't want you to think I'm some cool zombie fan. I'm not cool at all. I'm way too wussy for this shit, but I am hooked. Over the last couple weeks as I've raced around to the various public libraries to get my hands on the DVDs, I've noticed a few changes. First off, anytime someone startles me, I just about hack their head off. I don't shout because zombies are attracted to noise and because I'm a hit or freeze first kind of girl, not a screamer. That sounds like I'd be good in a zombie apocalypse, right? Wrong. The other change I've noticed is this, deciding how quickly I'd get eaten. Pretty damn quick. I came to this realization playing tag with my boys. I am the slowest runner. Seriously, there was this guy at the track some time ago who told me I'd move faster if I just walked. I did not tell him I'd like him better if he just kept his mouth shut. So, tag with the boys. Will is fast and determined and when I know he's on my heels I freak out. John must sense I'm freaking because he decides to jump in front of me (an easy feat because like I said, not a fast runner) and then he hugs me, effectively stopping us right in the path to be tagged or eaten if a dead chomping gross thing is on our tails. The last change is rationalizing the deaths of main characters. No one is safe. My brain doesn't know what to do other than create a shrug fail-safe. So when someone I like dies, I feel my shoulders move up and down at the same time I decide that's okay, everyone dies in an apocalypse.
Here's a little gift for Donnie Darko Girl. She has the biggest crush on Daryl Dixon who I have to admit is totally crush worthy.
Think Out Loud is a one of a kind meme. You post whatever the heck you want and we pay attention. How cool is that?
"By Uploaded to Commons by Xeworlebi, self created (Self created, design from the shows intertitle) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons"
"By Rick Marshall (Norman Reedus) [CC-BY-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons"
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Double Review Time, Folks!! robgirlbooks' reviews of Wild Cards by Simone Elkeles and Magic Dreams by Ilona Andrews
4-ish STARS! Wild Cards by Simone Elkeles is a hard one to rate. Ashtyn doesn't have an easy life. Her father has completely checked out and she's pretty sure love means running away. There is one thing she truly believes, not watching it, but playing for her high school. Derek is a spoiled arrogant jerk, but he's loyal, introspective, hot, and totally damaged. Love means running away for him too. You can guess their lives crash into each other and not smoothly either. Derek won me over pretty quickly. Ashtyn drove me crazy. She said she's this tough chick, but never once showed me that. She loves football, but we never get the chance to play a game with her. I wanted inside her head. I wanted to smell the grass and dirt, even the locker room. I just wanted her to pull me into her world because it's one I've never known. I had a lot of issues with this book, but I read it in a day. Elkeles also wrote the Perfect Chemistry Series (one of my favorites). I enjoy her writing and look forward to the next installment. I have to say the grandma completely stole the show. She could have her own story and I'd read it for sure.
5 FAT STARS!! Magic Dreams (Kate Daniels 4.5) by Ilona Andrews is so awesome. When I first met Dali I couldn't wait for her to have a novella. She's a rare white tiger. She's nutty. She acts more like a cute insecure petulant teenager than a brilliant shapeshifter. And she has the biggest crush. I love crushes! Shapeshifter Jim, AKA Scary Jim, Asshole Jim, Head of Security Jim is a mystery wrapped in a beautiful man. He makes hard calls and doesn't cry in his beer about it. See where this is going? Well, now Jim's life is at stake and Dali has to save him. Yay! As a total bonus, we get insight into Kate (who I'm pretty sure is still in the dark about what we learn-hehe). Read this novella. If you haven't started the series, come on!
Thanks for stopping by! In case you missed it, I just released Shadow Town: Maggie Lane Chronicles #1, my first foray into New Adult Paranormal Romance. You can find Maggie's story on Amazon and Smashwords.
Friday, February 7, 2014
Even Vampires Get Bullied! robgirlbooks' Review of Vampire Academy (the movie)
Last week I went to see the latest Jack Ryan movie and one of the previews was...Vampire Academy! While my sister and I were doing this ridiculous fist bump routine a man down the aisle said (loudly), "I have no interest in seeing that." Ha! You missed out cranky old man because I loved it!
Right off the bat we're hit with background on Richelle Mead's world of vampires. There's no way around a big info dump, so that's fine. Rose and Lissa have a bond beyond the mystical, they're best friends and that comes across in the movie. Dimitri comes across too. Seriously, he has a huge presence in every scene he's in. Lissa's accent took a couple minutes to adjust to and there were a few curious casting choices like fire starter Christian. My version of him is a tad less hot, or at least much angstier. And my version of Christian does not have an accent unless you consider hostility an accent.
The mystery isn't so mysterious since I read the books. There's a bully lurking around campus writing threatening messages in blood. And there's an awful classmate. She's more on the pipsqueak side of things. I really hated her in the books, but I just wanted to put her in a time-out in the movie. Rose has some terrific lines and delivers them perfectly. I loved the self-deprecating humor, that was spot on with the books.
The mystery isn't so mysterious since I read the books. There's a bully lurking around campus writing threatening messages in blood. And there's an awful classmate. She's more on the pipsqueak side of things. I really hated her in the books, but I just wanted to put her in a time-out in the movie. Rose has some terrific lines and delivers them perfectly. I loved the self-deprecating humor, that was spot on with the books.
If you're a die hard VA fan, I'm not sure what your take on the movie will be. There are a couple change ups and like always some of the best parts are either cut or abbreviated, but Rose rocks and she is the star. Dimitri makes you swoon. Lissa can be annoying, but she annoyed me in the books too. Christian needs a shirtless scene in the next movie. I think the action and storyline will only get better over the span of the movie franchise if there will be a movie franchise. There is no lurking scene after the credits roll, but I wanted one because I wanted more. That says a lot right there. I hope you enjoy the movie too!
I'm giving it 4 FANGY STARS!
In case you missed it, I just released Shadow Town: Maggie Lane Chronicles #1. This is my first venture into New Adult Paranormal Romance and I had a blast! We're having a blog tour February 24-28. If you would like to join the tour, leave a comment or email me. We'd love to have you.
I'm giving it 4 FANGY STARS!
In case you missed it, I just released Shadow Town: Maggie Lane Chronicles #1. This is my first venture into New Adult Paranormal Romance and I had a blast! We're having a blog tour February 24-28. If you would like to join the tour, leave a comment or email me. We'd love to have you.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Think Out Loud [41] Coming Soon!
Here are a few movies I'm just so dang excited about! A war movie about saving art. Come on! The Monuments Men has an amazing cast with a story I haven't read anything about. I'm a total Richelle Mead fan and Vampire Academy is plain cool! I haven't read The Fault in Our Stars, but the preview makes me cry. I need to get on it. My boys ask me constantly when The Lego Movie is coming out. Batman has a classic line in the preview that we all act out on a regular basis. And I absolutely love all the new Marvel movies! These are the big standouts in my mind right now. Trust me the list can go and go.
As you can see, Think Out Loud is an anything you want meme. Hang out with us and share your thoughts, grudges, triumphs, whatever!
In case you missed it, which you probably didn't, I just released the first book in my new NA Paranormal Romance series, Shadow Town: Maggie Lane Chronicles #1. We're doing a blog tour February 24-28. If you're interested in joining, leave a comment or email me. We're happy to have you!
Monday, February 3, 2014
Charlie Davidson is the coolest. So what if she's the Grim Reaper. robgirlbooks' Review of First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones
5 STARS!! First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones hit my favorites list on page one. That's how good it is. Charlie was born a Grim Reaper. Not the most ideal superhero power, especially since ghosts have no sense of privacy. There's one particular ghost/being/something stalking her dreams and leaving her flustered to say the least. Add to that, three ghosts and her cop uncle hire her special detective services to solve a triple homicide. I'd worry more about Charlie if she didn't have her best friend Cookie.
This story gives you the best of two worlds, mystery and paranormal romance. Plus, I laughed my butt off. Plus again, it's steamy. Charlie is full of snark without crossing the line into the negative. She's probably the most hopeful character I've come across in a long time. She helps the dead crossover, so there's a part of her that believes every problem has a solution, heck even the dead get this one last chance to find peace. That makes her supernaturally stubborn. I love her mix of strength and vulnerability.
First Grave gives you friendship, romance, mystery, dead people, and a hot guy you can't figure out at all! Oh and there's this snotty kid ghost that is the biggest jerk. If you haven't tried this series, ha! I beat you to it.
“Maybe I needed sensitivity training. I once signed up for an anger management class, but the instructor pissed me off.”
― Darynda Jones, First Grave on the Right
“I have three words for you," EMT Guy said. "Possible internal bleeding."
I turned back to him. "Don't you think if I was bleeding internally, I'd know somewhere deep inside? Like, internally?”
― Darynda Jones, First Grave on the Right
“Can I jump in your body and make out with my wife through you?”
I fought a grin. “It doesn’t really work that way.”
“Then can you just make out with my wife and pretend I’m in your body?”
“I can pay. I have money.”
“How much we talking?”
― Darynda Jones, First Grave on the Right
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Sidekick Showcase [43] Epic Love Interest!
Sidekick Showcase, previously known as Sidekick Saturday, is a weekly bookish meme, hosted here by Jaclyn at JC's Book Haven. There are many secondary characters that are as great as the primaries. In some cases, the sidekicks actually steal the show and you like them better than the heroine or hero. Maybe they didn't have enough page time for how great they were. Anyone can play along! I will post my Sidekicks on Saturday, then whichever day during the week that you would like to post yours, you can put your link in on my page. Just do the following:
• Choose a sidekick *or someone other than the hero or heroine* that you would like to put in the spotlight that fit's in the week's topic
• Share a picture (if you can) and information about the character
• Give the title and author of a book the character can be found in
• Please don't include too many spoilers when describing why the character is such a great sidekick
• The day of your post, put your link in below and grab the code for your post so you can see the others that post theirs throughout the week as well
So many choices my brain can't function. I'll start with my first really fangirl crush since I started reading fiction, Adam Hauptman from the Mercy Thompson series. Adam is an alpha werewolf. Even without the fur and fangs he commands every room he enters. He's so beautiful to Mercy, she acts like a real girl around him and I love that. I also love that she fights every instinct to bow down to him and he fights every instinct to ask that of her. If you cross him, too bad for you. If I was casting Adam, I'd pick Charlie Dunnam because oh my goodness, why not, right?
“Mercy," said my mother thoughtfully, "you never told me your werewolf neighbor was quite that hot.”
― Patricia Briggs, Bone Crossed
So many choices my brain can't function. I'll start with my first really fangirl crush since I started reading fiction, Adam Hauptman from the Mercy Thompson series. Adam is an alpha werewolf. Even without the fur and fangs he commands every room he enters. He's so beautiful to Mercy, she acts like a real girl around him and I love that. I also love that she fights every instinct to bow down to him and he fights every instinct to ask that of her. If you cross him, too bad for you. If I was casting Adam, I'd pick Charlie Dunnam because oh my goodness, why not, right?
“Mercy," said my mother thoughtfully, "you never told me your werewolf neighbor was quite that hot.”
― Patricia Briggs, Bone Crossed
"Gage Skidmore [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons"
I posed this challenge to my own sidekicks.
My mom chose Rhett Butler. I never read Gone with the Wind, but I did watch the movie. Epic for sure. Rhett is the epitome of suave!
― Gone with the wind (Rhett Buttler/ Clark Gable
"See page for author [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons"
My sister chose Seth Mortensen from Richelle Mead's Georgina Kincaid series. Seth is a famous writer, one of Georgina's favorites in fact. He's dreamy in the hot geek kind of way. He wears ridiculous shirts. He has a pure heart and more than once he pisses me off beyond belief, which is commonplace when it comes to Richelle Mead characters. Uh, but this is Shannon's pick,'s a quote. Oh, and she thinks Sleepy Hollow actor Tom Mison would be a perfect Seth.
“Sleep with Seth Mortensen? Good grief. It was the most preposterous thing I'd ever heard. It was appalling. If I absorbed his life force, there was no telling how long it'd be until his next book came out.”
― Richelle Mead, Succubus Blues
“Oh God," I groaned, "Seth Mortensen just said 'fucking' out loud. The end of times are near.”
― Richelle Mead, Succubus Heat
My sister chose Seth Mortensen from Richelle Mead's Georgina Kincaid series. Seth is a famous writer, one of Georgina's favorites in fact. He's dreamy in the hot geek kind of way. He wears ridiculous shirts. He has a pure heart and more than once he pisses me off beyond belief, which is commonplace when it comes to Richelle Mead characters. Uh, but this is Shannon's pick,'s a quote. Oh, and she thinks Sleepy Hollow actor Tom Mison would be a perfect Seth.
“Sleep with Seth Mortensen? Good grief. It was the most preposterous thing I'd ever heard. It was appalling. If I absorbed his life force, there was no telling how long it'd be until his next book came out.”
― Richelle Mead, Succubus Blues
“Oh God," I groaned, "Seth Mortensen just said 'fucking' out loud. The end of times are near.”
― Richelle Mead, Succubus Heat
"By Floatjon (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons"
Thanks for stopping by. If you haven't joined this meme, how come? In other news, my NA paranormal romance novel, Shadow Town is out on Amazon and Smashwords. If you'd like to join the blog tour, leave a comment or email me.