Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Think Out Loud [43] Fun Quotes and a Horror Movie Trailer

Here are few of my favorite kid quotes and a movie preview!
  • "So beautiful, can I help you with anything?" Will to his dental hygienist 
  • "Mom, make an angry face...That's adorable." John 
  • "Boys have a penis. What do girls have?" "A vagina." "Vagina is a beautiful word." John 
  • "Your brother wants to be a rocket rider when he grows up." "I think we will miss him." Will
  • "Did you know mom is a ninja?" "You are not a ninja, Mom. But you're cute." John
  • "Mom, you said shit." "I know, John." "You said shit, Mom." "Stop saying shit, John." "You stop saying shit."
  • "Mom, what rhymes with duck?" John
(These quotes and others are posted on the left and at the bottom of my blog)

I'm currently reading Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz. I hear it's funny, gruesome, awesome, and coming to DVD March 25th!

Think Out Loud is an anything you want to post meme. Give it a try because it's that cool.


  1. Bwahaha!!!! Awesomeness everywhere!!! Those quotes were just great!
    Never heard of Odd Thomas but I'm intrigued.

    1. Total awesomeness, Ki. They crack me up (and drive me crazy) every day!

      Odd Thomas is not my usual read, but a friend of mine loaned me her personal copy. So far, I'm really enjoying it!

  2. OMG! The quotes are so adorable. You're a lucky woman, Robyn.

    I haven't read Dean Koontz but I have one of his books in my e-reader. I hope you're enjoying it.

    Have a beautiful Thursday!

    1. Aw, thank you Athina! I am very lucky. I try to hurry and add their awesome quotes to my blog so I don't forget the great things they say.

      Which Koontz book do you have? I like the tone of this one and Odd is pretty fun. No gore yet, so we'll see if I can handle it.

    2. Hehe. No gore so it's okay. :)
      I have the Winter Moon. Have you read it?

    3. I just read the blurb and I'm still a little confused.

      Odd Thomas is my first Koontz novel. I think I like it very much. We'll see because I'm only at the beginning and I already freaked out.

  3. You're kids are the cutest Robyn!!! I used to read a lot of Dean Koontz when I was younger, but didn't make it to this one. I might have to check it out though cause the movie looks like the bomb! Great TOL!

    1. Doesn't that preview rock? I'm really liking the book so far. It's my first foray into that genre.

      The boys are just the cutest. Thanks for saying that! They make me giddy (and totally crazy).

  4. I have not heard of Odd Thomas before but I have read some of Dean Koontz and generally enjoy his books. This trailer scared me a bit however.

    1. The trailer did dive into the scary there. I'm watching it for sure, but the nice thing about waiting until the DVD comes out is the pause button. I get scared, hit pause, pace my living room, and then press play. I think both the book and the movie will rock!

  5. I so wish I had kept a list of quotes from my kids, Robyn. I'd like to be able to quote Jax about how I'm not cool enough to have my nose pierced...or a tattoo. :) Your boys are sooo awesome...I know you already know that, but I thought I'd reiterate. :)

    I tried to read Koontz in college when James and I first started dating because he read Koontz (yeah, he read then ;) I didn't get far...waaaayy to freaky for me! Maybe not now?!? Hmm...

    Hope you had a great day, Robyn! And have a fantastic Friday!! <3

    1. Oh, and guess what I'm reading?!? :)

    2. I'm 30 pages in and my heart is still pounding in my chest and I closed the book for the night twenty minutes ago! What I've noticed so far is that Koontz is a chatty fellow with tons of little descriptions. Every one takes me a moment because I just don't think the way Odd (the MC) thinks.

      Is James much of a reader now? I can see myself trying out a certain genre because of a guy and then of course insulting him later.

      Jax is so wrong about this coolness issue. First of all, you would rock a nose pierce. Some people can carry it off and some can't (me). Maybe when I'm in Colorado, we should knock that off your list! You can start a favorite kids' quotes list now. It started out as emails I sent to my family about the boys so they felt like they weren't so far away from the boys. I need to get back into that habit because they don't read my blog!

      Happy Friday to you (and happy reading...hehe)
