Friday, December 21, 2012

Vision Quest, Little Critter, Sweet Dreams, Mockingjay: Books that messed me up

Certain books are like Barry Manilou songs, but worse. You can't shake the catchy tunes and if you're like me with no musical memory at all, you sing one line over and over. Here are a few books that stuck to me in unique (mostly unpleasant) ways.

Lovers of 80's movies instantly associate Vision Quest with a young Matthew Modine and a seductive Linda Fiorentio. But did you know it was originally a book by Eastern Washington author Terry Davis? I went through a phase of reading outside my norm, and this pick certainly qualified. I also thought at the time it would be great to get insight into the thinking of a male character. Not just a male character, but a teen boy. I've wished away certain reveals, certain fantasies I felt like a total Peeping Tom knowing. Despite my love for all things Zen, some things you simply can't unlearn.

I still have my favorite childhood book, Just for You (Little Critter) by Mercer Mayer, though it has now been through two boys, a neat one, and a crayon stinker one. The stinker loved the book as much as me, especially the part where Little Critter says, "I ate my sandwich just for you, but not my crusts." Since then the kid hates crusts. Grrh.

Sweet Dreams by Sue Porter wrecked me the most. My youngest had been the easy one at night; slept till the sun told him it was again time to be hyper for twelve hours...until this book! "And in the shadows there is a monster." The three year old looked up at me, "What monster, mom?" Hell. My older one became the easy one at night after that.

Suzanne Collins had me with The Hunger Games. I love YA, dystopian, underdog rising to the top stories. But the finale of the this massive trilogy pissed me off for weeks. I was so mad at the character development of my beloved Katniss in Mockingjay, I gathered up the books and hid them behind other books. I had to go on a re-reading purge to get enough of the story and imagery out of my head so I could move on.

Are there any books out there that put Mandy by Manilou on auto repeat in your brain? Note: Joss Weadon's Angel is the only one who makes me love that song (Angel Season 2, Episode 1).

1 comment:

  1. I felt that way with Chloe Neill's 4th Book, Hard Bitten. That book just wrecked me. I couldn't read anything for a couple of weeks. I invested quite a bit of time reading the series and still continue to read the series past for books 5 amd 6. Here is another creepy book that sticks with you, Lis Wiehl, Waking Hours. This book left many a sleepless night. Keep hunting.
